Serving clients in media and business
Available for your short or long-term fill-in needs
Flexible rates based on market size
"I’d highly recommend Jim if you need to inject your team with a little something – he’ll do it all with a smile and a great sense of humor!"
Jessica Bobula, News Director Gray TV
On day-one -
Chat with your station's department managers including news, production, sales, digital and marketing to gage specific areas related to your weather product and team that need addressing.
Observe your weather team with an impartial critical eye -
Evaluate the efficiencies of your meteorologists and recommend ways to streamline workflows, enhance inter-team communications and accelerate desired changes.
Jump-start your digital -
Evaluate your team's use of digital resources to improve performance and increase views online and on your app. I'll show you how developing fresh content strategies such as more effective use of blogs can provide simple ways to expand the credibility and presence of your team.
Evaluate your team's social media -
Assess your weather team's use of social media to see what's working and what's not. I'll also meet and work with your digital managers to make any recommended changes.
Boost your brand - Whatever your chosen weather brand, I will assess and suggest ways that your weather team can build and improve on its implementation in day-to-day practice.